Had a busy day yesterday. Checked voice mail and wasn't impressed but understand having gmail involved helps keep the city from tracking you down by using your phone number they find on the bandit signs.
Got a b-card from Mom so I can use that as a template to order some for myself.
Didn't get to recopy Matt's info. I have a LOT of work to do in that area to get things in some kind of organized and logical manner. The information is out there but not in any manner for me to readily put my finger on it when I need it.
Didn't blog yesterday. Too busy. Read a little of the book but was too tired to comprehend it so I have to go back and re-read it.
Tonight was my first REI meeting. Very good. I have two action items from that meeting. First to create lists for my new contacts with relevant info. The second is to create a contact sheet to gather contact information from the various attendees.