Hey all,
This is not my M.O. I consider myself a very positive person who seeks amicable agreements. If you are clever you can create win win scenarios. You just need to make the effort, sometimes a big effort. That being said, I have a difficult situation I am trying to resolve. Any suggestions?
I attended the free Insider's Financial seminar in March 2013 and signed up for the full workshop the following weekend. After receiving the material and sitting down with everything, I realized the program was very thorough. That's terrific. I also felt that for ME to succeed, I need to go to class prepared. I signed up on the website for daily emails and immersed myself in trying to figure out where to start. It was overwhelming and while I still believe it's a great program, I needed to step back. I decided I wanted to attend the event at a later time so that I would be able to ask intelligent questions. It's easy to take material in and accept that everything will work. But after you dig in by yourself, you often have questions. I wanted to be able to bring those questions to the table so to speak.
I called prior to the event to cancel and left a message. I called the next morning (day of event) and spoke to a person, who said that it was fine to cancel and that I could reschedule for the next event in June. Excellent. That would give me time to read up on the internet and create a foundation for further learning.
Fast forward and my life has hit a financial road bump as lives tend to do AND I just got an offer accepted on a house. My point is that it is just not possible for me to take on additional debt at this time or a second career. I was told I could cancel, I was given an address to send back the materials, I have confirmation they were delivered and now three months later I am still trying to resolve this matter with Insider's Financial. I am being sent around in circles and all I can say is where is the integrity? If you believe in your product/service, you back it up. Period. I still believe this is a terrific program and want to get on board soon, just not today.
I have been in touch with Customer Service 10-15 times and the latest excuse is that my credit card company needs to issue the refund. Really? I have been in contact with my credit card company and that is not true. Secondly I have worked as a merchant in the past and it's quite simple to issue a refund. It does not require the assistance of the credit card company nor their approval.
I need assistance in this matter. I need to get in contact with the right people. Again any suggestions?