Commercial hard money loans

Get your Commercial Real Estate Projects Funded: Attention All Investors Hard Money Loans for Commercial real estate projects Are Now Available!!
Hard money loans are funds, typically from a private lender, that are backed by the value of the
property, not by the credit worthiness of the borrower. Traditional banks put more emphasis
on a prospective borrower‟s credit and a future development‟s income projections. Most hard
money lenders assume they could end up owning property if the borrower defaults.
All loans will be considered, and are based on exit strategy, value, and ability to demonstrate repayment of the loan. Though every-thing is on a case-by-case basis per today‟s marketplace, hard money loans do have lower loan-to-value (LTV) ratios than traditional
loans because the property itself is used as the only protection against default by the borrower. The loan -to-value for hard money is
typically 50%-65%, and less for raw land. Hard money loans carry interest rates even higher than traditional subprime loans.
Interest rates for hard money loans are 10% - 13%. These loans are Interest-Only and Non-Recourse with no Pre-Payment Penalty
or Exit Fee. There is up to a 3-year term available on all hard money loans. Generally, these loans can close in 30-45 days, or less. Contact me direct for your commercial funding needs....minimum $250k up to $500 million.