I have spent the last 3 days calling and emailing real estate agents. So far they seem eager to help yet I haven't heard back from them. I know now I need to post bandit signs and get down to the county clerks.
However that is where the problem lies. My car took a huge dive for the worst and stopped running. My neighbor who said she would help me by diving me to the store to get supplies is lagging. I live at the top of a hill, I have a 2 year old I have to take with me everywhere, and my doctor doesn't want me doing to much as far as walking or over exerting myself because I have been have a difficult pregnancy so far. To top it off my fiancé is stuck in the city because of the BART strike and needs to be at work. My funds are limited so taking cabs everywhere is out.
I am determined to do this.
This is where I need help. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to really get a jump start with these odds. I have my laptop and my phone. I know I can do it using these 2 tools but I am unsure how. I know all I need is one deal to either get my car fixed or purchase one that will work long enough for me to go full force as a real estate investor. Please anyone willing to help. Any suggestions, advice, anything I am willing to do. I want to succeed, and I can taste the victory. I just need to be lead to path.