Hi Dean, we would love to partner with you here in
1. Salem, Oregon
2. Unemployment is 8.1 down from 10.1 a year ago.
3. The average cost of a 3 br. house is $131k
4. the average rent for a 3 br. is $1000/mo.
5. the annual tax averages $2000/yr.
6. current days on market are 115 day only down slightly fro 131 days on market a year ago. Inventory is down from 214 houses listed today from 377 houses listed a year ago. Price per square foot is $109/sq. ft. the same as a year ago.
So as you can see we are still sitting on the bottom of the market. A good place to buy. We have 2 rentals and hoping to buy more. Let us know if you want our help.
Steve and Kathleen Ashley
Dean's 6 questions
January 8th, 2013 | posted by 4leapyearsahead...
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