Who is BC?

Visionary. TrueLeader. Speaker. Coach. Entrepreneur.
“Relentlessly Empowering Game Winning Leadership!”™

"I am a True Leader" who is solution focused, results oriented, and a strategically thinking Information Security Professional with a diverse Business and Technology background rooted in Secure Computing and Network Communications.

I am at my best when passionately building rock solid relationships as liaison between Business and Technology Leaders.

As a True Leader, inspiring others through the power of my example and empowering others by developing their unique leadership abilities, I expect to immediately, impactfully, and positively deliver high-value solutions, helping organizations achieve greatness.

~BC Alexander
"Relentlessly Empowering Game Winning Leadership!"

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brylancharles
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/brylancharles
Twitter: http://twitter.com/brylancharles