Since I work full time and go to school online, most days I am so pooped that I end up falling asleep while doing my homework or posting for school. But there is one thing I always knew---I needed change. I wanted to be able to enjoy life and not having to worry if all my bills will be able to be paid, not having enough money at the end of my paycheck for myself, not being able to pay my mortgage! I have been interested in investing in real estate since my mid twenties; ever since my parents had a 2-family home in Irvington, New Jersy that we had loss due to issues with the tenants (that's another story)and mistakes my father and mother made with that property.
Fast forward.
My interest in real estate never wavered, Over the years I started reading about it from various books but was left with more questions than answered. I used to see Dean on TV and another competitor-who's program I bought first. But listening to the audio I was still left with more questions than answers and I didn't feel like I was getting the real nitty gritty on getting started. Then at night on fridays and saturdays, I would still see Dean promoting "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" and "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!". Then the year 2010 came, and I saw another Dean commercial where they held a 3 day seminar in NYC. I went and got pumped. But life got in the way AGAIN!! I signed up for the success academy but couldn't keep up with the payments and I couldn't afford to travel to various states for the 3-day education on the different strategies. I got frustrated over the next several months and then Dean came back on TV again. This time something was spiritually pushig me to revisit Dean's program. So I went out to Westchester, NY for another Dean seminar almost a year later from the first one in NYC. After the seminar, I sat by the pool at the hotel and watch my godson play and make friends. As I looked at him, I remembered my original plan-set up a fund for my godson which I was not able to do when he was born. Then I realized, all that I had wanted to accomplished was not done or completed due to one main fact--lack of money. I made a decision to really delve in. So i signed up to this website and after work I would research my area, taking note of different properties or land for sale, and started talking to people that I could add to my power team for future use. I was getting on the path. Then the Rockbottom Blueprint happened. I scrounge up the money for the down payment (which I took from Peter and Paul)and made the investment and told myself that if I want to be in a better place in life, I needed to take action and stop overanalyzing everything and push towards completing my 1st deal. I am almost 2yr towards 40 and I want to enjoy life again. journey begins. . . .