Benjamin Journal

Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Benjamin and I live in the great state of Alabama. Well, first off Iam a correctional officer for the state. The year I have been there have been a blur (6yrs in Jan). Sad to say Iam not happy at all. I see and put with a lot of b.s just for a little pay check (AL is one the last state in America as far as pay to C.O). A bit more about me. I went to college I didnt graduate due to being lazy (which I regret)also I played basketball and had a chance to play overseas. They wanted me to play in Lebannon. The day i got the email I went home and turned to the news and they had a bombing a hotel. Well as you can read, I didnt go. My dad has always told me to get my piece of the pie. He owned a dry cleaners and another business and have a job!!!! Now that Im older I can really understand him. He was not around much and that hurt our relationship. Only until a few months ago did we sit down and talk things out and a lot of things came out and I really needed that so I could move on...Now I have a little girl and a wonderful girlfriend whom I want to marry very soon (first deal come on). I tend to follow my father's steps by working to much. Working 16hrs in a prison is not how I want to live or working on my off days just to enjoy life. Real estate is something I always wanted to do but I thought you needed cash or credit to do anything. So a couple of years ago I went to a free workkshop from a famous investor. I left before it was finished bc of the money not that I didnt have just didnt see the opportunity. Fast forward to 2009 I went back to the same workshop paid for the three day class only to be shocked by how much the addtional classes where. After the classes feeling lost, I REMEMBERED I saw some program late one night from this upbeat guy with glasses. So went and goggled him and found the usual some bad but mostly good. I checked with the BBB and they gave a good rating. So I came to this site AND i was happy because its like a myspace for investors. So I brought the books and read and read and read some more. And read them at work, sounds crazy I know but I told myself I was going to SELL OUT with this. Its the 4th and 10 for me and dont have a punter. Joined the academy with money I didnt have and it has helped me in leap and bounds. I also want to thank Indie Joe and Rina for answering my questions and giving me confidence. On yeah my first deal should be done in the next couple of weeks. Later