Stepping Into My Greatness: The unknown.

Alphonza was part of a team of six fiber optic technicians, managed teams of over 13 Fiber Optic Technicians and taught groups of engineers the basics of Fiber Optic Technology, Installation, and Testing for a period of twenty years.

Al has an inherent skill as a teacher and uses innovative concepts to impart knowledge to students in such ways that the teaching is experiential.

He and his teams tested and turned over for service all the initial fiber optic systems installed in the New York boroughs of, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, The Bronx, Staten Island, White Plains, New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, and Mount Kisco New York.

Alphonza believes in continued learning and makes every attempt to stay on the cutting edge through studying the latest books, electronic media courses, and systems of marketing. Al is an avid student and learns from every person that is blazing the trail in their field.

He is fortunate to spend personal time with people such as, Jim Rohn, Brian Klemmer, Rich Schefren, Jeffrey Combs, and Jerry Clarke, to name a few of the motivational speakers and personal development coaches of our time.

Barbadian by birth, a certified appliance repair technician, and later a certified electrician, he immigrated to USA as a permanent resident in 1970, and began what became his career in the telecommunications industry for thirty six rears.

He is currently pursuing his second career as an Entrepreneur.

Al is a proud father of two young ladies Monica and Kristin, three grandsons and one grand daughter.

Al comments: "Achievement is mine to create, to which I truly commit. Getting it done, gives me the special joy of creating an environment where everyone moves forward together. If its going to be its got to be me"

Al has professional experience as an Entrepreneur, electrical contractor, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, house painting, small appliance repair, Electrolux , Amway/Quixtar Independent Business Owner(IBO) door-to-door sales. Thirty-six years in Telecommunications retired. His current passions, Network Marketing and empowerment through webucation.

Using his experiential knowledge, Al empowers others to create, develop, and build relationships with honest love, practicing commitment, promoting courage, and an abundance mindset, a viewpoint that wholeness and completeness has nothing to do with external circumstances, all creating harmony, the type of harmony Napoleon Hill details in his book, Think and Grow Rich.

Personal Interests and hobbies:
I am a master Handyman, Avid Gardener, a Kite Flier, doll house builder and I love to go Bicycle Riding often, Tennis, Snow Skiing, Paddle Ball, Cricket, Horseback riding, Photography, Reading motivational Literature and books, listening to motivational Tapes CDs and DVDs.

There is a great, meaningful, and fulfilling accomplishment within me. Using my focus, determination, discipline, and effort, I step into my greatness, so that this accomplishment becomes actual and real.

There is a fear within me as I step into the realm of the real estate world; however, I am confident that those of you that I have yet to interface with, will support me in my new endeavor, as I offer to share and support you in those things in which I have knowledge and experiential learning. I am sure I will overcome the fear as I gain experience

My belief in the Grand Architect of the universe empowers me to teach, seek and support. I further impart my collective experiential knowledge, edifying others to practice techniques that encourage and support management through empowerment.

I help and teach others how to create success, attracting abundance in all areas of their lives which make their world a better place to live, a world where no one is left behind.

Using my experiential knowledge, I empower others through 'Re-framing' ( to create, develop, and build relationships with an abundance mindset, honest love, practicing commitment, promoting courage, a viewpoint that wholeness and completeness has nothing to do with external circumstances, creating harmony, the type of harmony Napoleon Hill details in his book, Think and Grow Rich.

“… Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of PERFECT HARMONY. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status…” Napoleon Hill.

Trust, honor, respect, and personal responsibility are paramount in this mindset. I help others create situations favorable for attainment of their goals, so that you, my partner, create your financial security, become financially independent, ultimately creating a world where no one left behind.

I am kind, gentle and giving serious about life, but like to have fun.

I love life, mingling with, and serving people, creating situations favorable for attainment of goals. (I repeat because it is important).

I maintain a positive mental attitude, with a high level of vitality. I eliminate chaos, I understand risk and reward, and cautiously practice perfection, knowing this practice leads to procrastination.

The greatness others see in me: I focus attentively; I am a good listener, a thinker, a planner, and leader. I promote leadership through empowerment, I am open minded, family oriented, and a team player. Wisdom and happiness are the key attributes others see in me.

I am an accepted, courageous, excellent, honest, trusting man, I distinguish truth from falsehood, and I love unconditionally. I am flexible, resourceful, and I decide to make it happen.

I offer innovative unique Internet tools favorable for attaining success, in health maintenance, wellness management, webucation, and business merchant's electronic payment processing, online and offline.

I further impart my collective experiential knowledge, edifying others to practice techniques that encourage and support management through empowerment.

I use the mastermind principles of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich to benefit, my team, and my organization. The Mastermind Principles are “… Infinite Intelligence, Accumulated Experience, Experiment, and Research….”

I prefer relationships with longevity, and I willingly contribute to my organization’s success.

Choices I made brought me to this reality. I consider all possibilities, making choices to create a better world for every one to live, a world with no one left behind.

I am about possibilities, choices, and action. I think globally. I dream universally.

I accept you as you are. Are you willing to join and go places with me in this journey?

If anyone has done it before, I can do it too. If no one has ever done it, I can be the first.

What seems out of my reach now, gets closer the moment I begin working toward it. There is a way to achieve what I choose, because I commit to taking continuous action.

The real value of achieving is in the accomplishing.

I practice the traits of a compassionate Samurai. I have courage, practice personal responsibility, and trust is an intricate part of my culture.

I am radically honest and keeping my word is paramount. I focus intently and operate from an abundance mindset. Knowledge is an important key to my success and I willingly share it. I find my way from here to there, one step after the other.

I focus on my “Why”, making the world a better place to live, a world with no one is left behind. It keeps me going all the way to completion.

Achievement is mine to accomplish, because it is the one thing I am truly committed to. Getting it done, gives me the emotion of great delight, and happiness of enriching the lives of others,

What ever you can conceive you will achieve, ultimately creating a world with no one left behind.