Over a 25 yr period I bought and sold homes, had rentals. I sold most and put into a investment in a marina along with 44 other investors. We were frauded by the head of a company..Southfork in California. The states of Calif. and Florida( where the marina is located) have done nothing and let a 4 yr. span come and go. I am sure there are PAID off people, including a bank, attorney and 2 state employees.
I am trying to get them to do right by us, as we found where this company is doing fraud again.
I am asking for prayer as this is my life savings.
Also I am hoping someone will find private money for me to buy absolute baragins I keep finding and can't find a way to get them, some less than 40% of their value. These are deals any investor would love to have their money in.
I want to get homes in my area, put a tenant buyer in as a 5 yr. lease with option and then get them ready to buy in this time. Also anything that is needed to be done is done by them, with some of their money down being used for materials. I know how to advertise and find buyers that are very capable but for some reason have little, no, or bad credit and need time to get their life in order. This works out great as a higher premium can be asked for the home. Then in the end I can use some extra money to pay their closing to get a loan and nothing will actually come out of our pockets, but can be a credit.
I am hoping to have help with this. Thanks
I have a grown daughter who was in TV production, and now with a college doing advising and as an adjunct professor. I was a teacher and then in real estate and still have my license active even though since I was in an accident I have not actively used it. I am a widow and have been on my own for years, but if the right person comes along, who knows.
I am very involved in my church and love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I expect anyone in my life to be so also and live by what HE preached, not be a fraud.
Also I am a very conservative person, very involved in politics and do not like RHINOS. I am president of a local club.
And last I live in Florida which is about as close as you will get to paradise within the U.S. Just wish I lived a bit more south.