
All About Tofu

Tofu's picture
Salt Lake City, UT.
About Me: 

A new real estate investor! HELLO Dean FAMILY!!
Im stay @ home mom with -7 kids later, a mortgage, and a grocery bill that can match the us my husband and I struggled to make ends meet. Which more of the reason I am inclined to do this. Its a must!Smiling

I got a postcard from Dean's Team, regarding hosting a real estate seminar here in Salt Lake City. This was back in February, 2012. Dean's Team did a great job motivating me, that I end up signing up for the 3 day work shop. Let me tell you, "It's the greatest decision i ever made in my life." I've learn so much from that work shop, that I didn't know- that I could do it. They opened my eyes and doors to opportunities. How great beneficial this is to me. All though I didn't close on a deal yet, but I gain a lot of knowledge from Dean's Team. I've bought all his books. After going through the materials and by the way I love how he shows the different techniques on each deals, and how some of his students share their experiences. I said to myself, "I could do this, it's a no brainer." LOVE IT!!And I am indeed working my due diligence buttocks!! I love his real estate recipes for making money in our area. Dean is such a great teacher, an inspiration and a compassionate individual. That makes him stands out from the other real estate guru's.

I'm working on 2 deals right now, I'm hoping to close on them soon. Im sooo excited!!

"Live like no one else today, and later we can live like no one else!"

Much Aloha and have a wonderful n safe Holidays!!


Topics I've Participated In

HOW TO GE THE MONEY!!! markl2712 years 13 weeks ago
Closing a deall!! Tofu312 years 16 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
