
All About markl

markl's picture
mark lane
About Me: 

I'm a very easy goin kinda guy when it comes to most things but when its something I'm passionate about that's a whole different story. I was bit by the real estate bug in 2009 and started actively investing in summer of 2010 and now there's no looking back.

I'm so thrilled to see how this business is starting to change my life and those around me. I am getting increasingly more interested in philanthropy work especially missions.

This is a wonderful community and I'm so happy and proud to be a part of it!

family, Rei, working out, charity work/ giving back.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 44 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 5 weeks ago
Giving Back jade_east168 years 26 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago
FLIPPING LIKE CRAZY!!!*** $156,000 in four months markl779 years 12 weeks ago

Basic Info

Owner of 1st Call Home Solutions, LLC. and Owner of Lane Properties Inc.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hard Money

everready159's picture

I Know a hard money lender

15.5% and 5 points

The Property you have on Contract

I would like to know more about this deal that you need 35k for and how you think that each person will participate and how each person will come out of this.

One other question. Why do you not consider a hard money lender and refi out to get the money right away and sell the house yourself?


Me again

Get me information on all the properties and we'll see where we go from there.

Welcome Gifts!

JJD's picture

Welcome Gifts!

Click on the Links in my Profile and download the attachment files within the posts.

There are some great downloadable resources here for you to use.

Don't forget to finish your profile, upload a picture, tell us some great stuff about yourself, add your location because you never know when someone may want to partner with you!
MOST OF ALL......Have Fun!

May You have Great Success on your Journey!


Looking for help in Iowa!

Amartinez's picture

I currently have a 6 unit building in Red Oak, Iowa that I'm looking to assign to someone looking for a great rental! This build has many possibilities, it could be apartments, bed & breakfast, possible store front, etc. Needs no more then $5k in repairs, a true bargain at $25k! Let me know if your interested for yourself or soeone you know ASAP! Thanks, Adam

Giving Back

jade_east's picture

Mark ~~~
Thanks for visiting my "Giving Back" thread and adding your thoughts and blessings. I started that one night when a string of screaming MeMes were going on about $$$, and it was getting to me. Definitely important, but you really can't take it with you. One of the things I appreciate about this community overall, besides the wealth of information, is that the ones who stick it out seem to all have great Heart!
Jennifer E


bcampbell516's picture

Hi Mark,

I'm finally getting involved in this forum. I see you are from Iowa. I live in Mason City and want to get back into rei.

Have you done many deals?


Newbie needing guidance

Hi Markl,

Am a newbie in the mid west. I want to buy flip and rent but have no cash flow. Am thinking of getting a loan from a hard money lender or subprime lender to start with my 1st investment. Please any advise you can give me will be helpful, seeing you have been successful at real estate investing? Thanks.

Private Money

jackk09's picture

Hey Mark,

I was at a REI bootcamp this past week and we had a class on PML and then I went to dinner with a couple that has already put what was taught to work. I know we have used our own cash for our 2 flips but hope to get some PML set up with their methods. If interested let me know. Also learned some cool stuff with land trusts and creative financing, great bootcamp, great knowledge. Appreciate your posts and updates, keep cranking it out and keeping us up on your progress.

Jack Knochel

Looking for Iowa help

Hello Mark,
I'm from outside a small town (Sheyville) south of Cedar Rapids north of Iowa City and am looking to work with someone that has had success with this program. I'm semi-retired and need to bring in money. I've always been intrigued by real estate and thought it is how I wanted to make my living. I went to a bootcamp in Des Moines but promptly got ill after the class, am now well into recovery and want to get back into doing. Contact me if you are willing to guide me.
Thank you,
Sheryl.Randy Marsden

You are an inspiration, Mark.

I loved reading you reached your one year goal of 20 flips. Your 2 years-in success story has inspired me. My goal now is that on this day, in one year I have flipped 20 houses just like you did. Thanks for the inspiration, Mark.