
All About tanishaadjo

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Tanisha Adjo
Queens NY
About Me: 

We are Real Estate Investor, we help aid others in the Business of buying and selling properties and/or buying and flipping properties in NYC.

The success system used is Cameron Dunlap Fast Cash with Foreclosures, where transactional funding is provided, Proof of Funds is Provided, Mentor-ship, free webinars for your real estate needs.

Real Estate is the the best wealth transfer of all time, the time is now to get started. Don't wait, experts are predicting that by this time next year there will be 10 million foreclosed homes in the USA. That means there are 10 million opportunities for you to get and start making some serious money.

Create your Plan B now and hand your wealth down to your children.

wholesaling, real estate and personal development

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #164 - Do You Know Who Holds You Back? dgadmin11712 years 44 weeks ago
Is this a deal? BrianLurty613 years 7 weeks ago
NYC CASH BUYERS tanishaadjo013 years 24 weeks ago
jv in nyc tanishaadjo013 years 24 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full Time Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit


seeking cash buyers in Florida

tanishaadjo's picture

I have tons of properties in Florida, i need cash buyers

Want To Team Up With You!

Hi Tanisha! I'm looking for foreclosures, short sales, FSBO's and REO's in the Brooklyn area. I'm also looking for single family and multi-family properties in the same area as well. Please contact me so we all could make money! Thank you.