
All About shanegore08

shanegore08's picture
Shane Gore
Rosedale, Queens, New York
About Me: 

I am a proud Dad of my 7 month old beautiful daughter and a supporting and Loving husband to my gorgeous wife. You guys find me on this site today because I have a burning desire to live a successful life and the luxeries that come with it. I want to call the shots as I see it. Right now I drive tow truck 12 hours a day for my Father and Law. He is cool and everything but this is not the ultimate situation for me. I know I deserve the finer things of life only if I do what it takes. I love my family and its up to me as the man to take us to the moutain-top. By the way my daughter was born on Christmas day. I am a musician love to create some time for doing things I want to do. I am on the way. See you at the top.

I love sports playing basketball and I also love music. Creating it and listening to it. Hip HOp, R&B, Jazz, Oldies, etc.

Topics I've Participated In

Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 39 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 22 weeks ago
From This Day Forward-Kareng's Journal kareng10808 years 28 weeks ago
Attorney's Bird Dog Agreement cfuller4710 years 5 weeks ago
BCRELLC NEW JOURNAL B.C.44010 years 8 weeks ago

Basic Info

Tow Truck Operator
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Indiana-Joe's picture

Congratualtions on taking action and taking the step forward into real estate investing. Dean's books are packed with great information and tips. The DG website is also a great resource to learn new information. We look forward to hearing about your progress and future deals. Good luck with REI and keep the faith. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Whats Up Guys

shanegore08's picture

I miss being in my daily journal. Im still here but its late Im going to bed. Im still punding away at the wall of success. Cant wait until I do my first deal. Making adjustments with my power team and my whole structure as I go. I will see you guys I miss the Fam


Hey Shane, welcome to the

B.C.'s picture

Hey Shane, welcome to the family!
Good luck on your REI dreams, just remember, NEVER EVER give up!
Use that little girl as your motive to succeed.

Welcome Accepted

shanegore08's picture

Thanks for the Welcome into the DG Family. Thanks for the luck you bestowed upon me, and I will never Give up you are exactly right. Quitters Never Win and Winners never Quit. Thats why Im still smoking. LOL
My daughter is a major motivation for my success so I know I will accomplish the life I want to provide for her because as long as she is alive I will not stop.

Best Regards,


congratulations for your great job that you have done I have red almost everythigs you have posted here I am here in Freeport long Island tryng to learn how to make money in real estate and you are a good example to fallow

Bronx, NY Wholesaler

jaydaboxer's picture

How r you? As for me doing fine. I'm from the Bronx and seen you was from Queens and figure I give a shout out to a Investor out in Queens. By the way I work in Queens as a metal worker. So far I have two deal under my belt for referring two short sale to two different Real Estate Professionals. My first check I receive from a Real Estate Agent and the pay was wack. I ain't never work with him again. The second one was with a broker and he cut us out a nice check for 7K. I've been MIA for a minute was in College. Have time freed up now so I'm going to get bac into it.

Best Regard,