The Collins Family

All About SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA

SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture
Sean Patrick Collins
San Diego, CA
About Me: 

I am a 24 year old, father of 4, three boys, one girl, a proud husband, ambitious, motivated, positive, excited, and one hell of a creative thinker, looking forward to taking the right steps to lead my family and my self to joy, freedom, love, and most of all more time together! THANKS DEAN!

singing, play rythem guitar, any sport, learning new things and expanding my mind, gardining, living life spontanious.

Topics I've Participated In

DEAN GRAZIOSI 3 Day TRAINING: Day 1 SeanCollinsSanD...011 years 17 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full time Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Taking action.

SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture

just finished watching the edge event on dvd and wow what an amazing and emotional set of dvds. stayed up late to finish and am ready to take action. thanks to all of the speakers and coaches that presented at the event. That was amazing. Thanks Dean. I am now ready to take action and start this road and journey through the bumpy road in order to get to my river. Let go DG family..


SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture

I just wanted to formally introduce my self. My name is Sean. Ready to learn from best out there. Asking for any and all help. Working on finding my real estate agent, while trying to build my buyers list. any advice please give.

She is here!

SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture

My second child was born this morning at 9:28. Lluvia Bella Collins. Find your true why and success never seems impossible.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thank you for the comments and stopping by my Guestpage. I am glad you liked the 2013 EDGE. It is an amazing event. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Real estate agent

SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture

Knocking out task in Dean's book. Got in the game took action found a local real estate office near me a couple of them in fact. Made two calls, my first call the gentleman behind the phone gave me the speech of there is no deals, the markets closed, all the moneys gone, houses are so hard to get good prices on, all that mumbo-jumbo crap that would stop any beginning real estate investor from continuing their dream. But remembering what Dean said never ever ever let a real estate agent stop you from pursuing your dream. So that is what I did I didn't let his negativity stop me from making another call, And sure as heck the next agent that I spoke with was amazing. Right when I spoke to him on the phone I just started reciting the lines that are in Dean's book. I started receiving answers just like Matt and Dean described. I started to take notes and once I got through all the questions and the agent who I could tell immediately had a positive vibe and was in the game as Dean puts it, I reviewed the information and asked the agent if he could do some comps for me on the information that you gave me. What do you know he agreed and within three days I had all the information I needed and asked for including the cash buyers list from multiple area codes. What Dean has in his books works follow exactly what is written down get in the game and just do it and you will be successful. In order to be the best you must learn from the best.

Face to face with cash buyers

SeanCollinsSanDiegoCA's picture

Just like Dean described I told all my family members and friends that I am an investor. Just by doing that simple task it opened up the door for me to meeting cash buyers. My brother in law asked me if I would like to help him dig some ditches for a current job that he had with an investor doing pluming. Knowing this would be hard work I jumped on the opportunity to meet this cash buyer investor. I took the address of the property and did comps to find out everything I could about it and the area. After an hour or two of working the investor came to the job site to check how everything was going. I made sure to have the script that is in Dean's book with me ready in order to ask the specific questions needed. At first I hesitated to ask the investor but seconds later decided to get in the game and just do it so I did. I asked if I could have a minute of his time he agreed I introduced myself let you know that I am a wholesaler and bird-dog and let him know I have a couple questions to ask him and again he agreed. At that moment I got out my book that had my questions and went through the list, writing down all of the criteria that best suited his investing. Once I completed that list I had a full understanding of where this investor wanted to be which was exceptional. I am now in pursuit of finding properties that best suit my investors needs. Get in the game and just do it. In order to be the best you must learn from the best.