Joined: 2013-11-22
Points: 28

Sean Patrick Collins
San Diego, CA
About Me:
I am a 24 year old, father of 4, three boys, one girl, a proud husband, ambitious, motivated, positive, excited, and one hell of a creative thinker, looking forward to taking the right steps to lead my family and my self to joy, freedom, love, and most of all more time together! THANKS DEAN!
singing, play rythem guitar, any sport, learning new things and expanding my mind, gardining, living life spontanious.
Taking action.
just finished watching the edge event on dvd and wow what an amazing and emotional set of dvds. stayed up late to finish and am ready to take action. thanks to all of the speakers and coaches that presented at the event. That was amazing. Thanks Dean. I am now ready to take action and start this road and journey through the bumpy road in order to get to my river. Let go DG family..