
All About richmill

Richard Miller

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FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 41 weeks ago
How to pick a business name? The_ Great _Martini1215 years 47 weeks ago
Lis Pendens Deed Danhassett515 years 48 weeks ago

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Why Form An LLC

I saw a response to a question that included asking about whether to form an LLC or not. I formed 2 immediately.

You should setup a limited liability company and use it to run your business. A limited liability company, or LLC, means you aren't liable for the debts and obligations of the business merely because you own some or all of the business. Second, you can use a quirk of recent tax laws to select how your LLC is taxed. A limited liability company, or LLC, lets its owners select the tax treatment they want for their business. This tax flexibility means you can pick the tax treatment that saves you the most taxes. An S corporation, for example, can save a small business thousands of dollars a year in self-employment taxes. And a C corporation, as another example, can allow small business owners to pay generous tax-free fringe benefits to themselves which saves potentially thousands of dollars annually in income taxes.
Bottom line: If you're starting a new business or if you operate an existing business, you must investigate the limited liability company option.