
All About rhon2993

rhon2993's picture
rhonda williams
About Me: 

I am a very classy, stylish, smart, business savvy, beautiful, (inside and out), hard working INDEPENDENT WOMEN who is kind, loving, honest, loyal, down to earth, and family oriented.
I possess a GO GET IT attitude. I love to associate myself around people who are respectful, positive, and goal oriented.
I know what I want out of life and what i will and will not tolerate from an individual.
Real Estate is my Passion. I thank God everyday that I stumbled across Dean's informercial and ordered his books because they really changed my life for the better. This site is filled with very Knowledgeable, Caring, & Helpful individuals. I love the DG site and the Family that comes with it.. Everyone's truely an inspiration. Good Luck to us all.... See you all at the Top!!!

Becoming a Multi Millionaire Real estate Investor, shopping, & spending time with family.

Topics I've Participated In

Established LLC and Credit Anitarny13411 years 13 weeks ago
Questuon about tax sales Real Estate Master1913 years 29 weeks ago
Buying Bulk REO'S cfuller614 years 27 weeks ago
***CREDIT CARDS ???? ***** Hines Enterprises614 years 28 weeks ago
How Do I go about contacting home owner? LGOOD675514 years 30 weeks ago

Basic Info

wayne county probate court representative
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Rhonda

Stad man's picture

What area do you live and what area are you investing?

Good Luck,


hi Greg

rhon2993's picture

Hi greg, Thank You. Im new to this so sorry, i missed your message.
I live in Michigan, & I plan to invest in macomb, wayne, & oakland counties, but as of now just wayne county.

hey Rhonda

darrellf334's picture

hey Rhonda Hows it going? Did you ever get into tax sales ? I just read your post . Kind of an old one about you wanting to get started in tax sale ! Let me know something! I can help!I just got a house 800 squ. ft. for $180. And I pay $42 a year on the property!