NC Hunter


Greensboro, North Carolina
About Me: 

Hello everyone, glad to be a member of this site. I recently turned 42, the 29th of Nov. Through the graces and mercies of the almighty 'GOD' my wife and I have been surviving the last 2 years 11 months without work. I feel it's time for me take action and give 'HIM' the glory. I have made quite a few judgment calls that have landed me in a struggling and often times humbling state of being. All more personal than professional however has affected my livelihood professionally. No problem, 'HE' gives us no more than we can bare, it's through our trials and tribulations we build character and learn to humble ourselves and give 'HIM' the glory. Simply put...I'm broke, hungry and highly motivated. "Making money doesn't make you rich, it's what you do with it that brings the 'Riches'!" If your wondering who said that...STOP!! Cause I just did. You can only truly experience happiness by sharing your wealth...I'm not just talking about cash wealth, I'm talking about wealth of knowledge. Whatever I learn from anyone and everyone on this site I will use to improve the livelihood of many, by sharing cash wealth and knowledge wealth. (Dean has inspired and ignited that fire within me)

Making Money and sharing my knowledge and success with the needy.

Topics I've Participated In

Assigning question benbeka4428 years 1 week ago
Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri dominoafekt10411 years 39 weeks ago
Question on getting finders fee kvictor817312 years 40 weeks ago
**Calling all (North) Carolina DG Members** Cali_Kid@Heart1813 years 22 weeks ago

Basic Info

Investment Property Hunter (for now)
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit



Thank you for visiting. So far I've enjoyed my membership. There is a wealth of information here. I've learned so much in just a few days. I just hope I can find someone on here that's work in North Carolina. If you know someone please leave there user name or give them mine. I'm relatively new at networking so it may take some time for me meet people one here. Take care and I bid you much success in the future.


reinvestor42's picture

If you post under local networking and dicussion forum 'anyone in/around (your town) NC' you should be able to get a few responses.