
All About Pursuitofrealestate

Pursuitofrealestate's picture
Adam and Erica
About Me: 

Our goals and dreams are bigger than being an Electrician or Registered Nurse can offer us, We want to make a name for ourselves an! We know that hardwork and getting educated is the only remedy for greatness! We are in our late 20s and we want to retire by 30! Most people think we are crazy! But we know we can make it happen!

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 13 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Lisa R's picture

You can do it!

I know it may seem daunting and overwhelming but you have got to trust that what you have learned will work. You spent a lot of money so obviously you thought there was something worth it.
Those people who think you are crazy now won't think so when you are living your life on your terms.
As hard as it can be sometimes you first have to get your head in the game and then just take a leap of faith!

I am excited for you. That you both have decided to take charge of your lives and that you aren't going to let anything or anyone stop you...including yourselves.

all the best!
warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson