
All About petevigs1265

petevigs1265's picture
Pete Vigliotti
Marlton, NJ
About Me: 

I graduated college in 2011 with a degree in Jazz Guitar Performance from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. I don't regret spending the money for the education I received, but there just hasn't been much of a return on my investment. It's sad, but Jazz is a dying art form. While the skills I learned at school could never be replaced, many of them didn't prepare the necessary requirements to be a performing musician in todays market. I spent the next year practicing to be a competent back up singer, and lead guitarist in the rock and hard rock genres. It was really starting to work. My band was picked up by an agency and we toured the East Coast from Boston down to Key West playing party music in some of the hottest and best clubs!

Unfortunately, playing other people's music, isn't very fulfilling as an artist. Myself and the members of my band all want something bigger; something that's ours that we created. We still play cover music today but have turned our business model around. All the money we make playing top40 and dance music goes to fund our original material. Whether it be tours (gas, food, accommodations), CD's, merchandise, recording, or equipment. Let's face it. You don't make any money playing your own music, until you've "made it". Our first official release will be sometime April 2014. You can listen to our music at

I wasn't born to do the 9-5 grind like my parents. Maybe that's why i chose music too. Who knows. But Real Estate was always part of the plan. I don't know where I first heard about "flipping" houses but it just always sparked my interest. I actually didn't find dean like most people did on his informercial. I actually found him in my parents basement! He was huddled in a corner, scared, cold, and wait that's not right..... Laughing out loud His BOOK was tucked on the top of my moms book shelf. I picked it up and started doing some research. Dean seemed like a down to earth guy. I immediately trusted him and I don't know why. But, I read two of his books and started making path to Real Estate success. I'm still brand new and haven't done a deal yet as of March 2014, but I can smell it!

Topics I've Participated In

How to Wholesale REOs Using a Land Trust Kimmy201015210 years 35 weeks ago
Want to use a Land Trust to wholesale an REO but... petevigs1265510 years 50 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


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Anthony Davis's picture

Hey Pete,
Welcome to the DG family!
Stay in contact, network, read, and grow.

Thanks for the welcome

petevigs1265's picture

Thanks for the welcome Anthony!