
All About patricksmangan

patricksmangan's picture
Tacoma, WA
About Me: 

Hi, I'm Patrick, 20, back in my parents house, and I'm trying to get a financial head start before i move out again. I also want to help my dad who was recently laid off by Boeing. I'm trying to get him into real estate, but he's trying to focus on the network marketing company he got involved with.. witch right now, doesn't seem to be going so well for him. I'm trying to diversify my financial/investment education, between Dean Graziosi and Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, but I am just starting to put my education into action. I am looking to network more, find mentor(s), and build my real estate investing team. I'm in my Stage One, with the goal of raising down payment money to invest into cashflow properties, by assigning houses from motivated sellers, and wholesaling. I'll be on this site trying to clear up things I don't fully understand from Dean's books.

real estate investing, learning, song writing, blink 182, flogging molly.

Topics I've Participated In

Profit From Real Estate Right Now...2 Questions Please Ron in Denver815 years 21 weeks ago
Building Your Buyers List Maximilionalpha1115 years 29 weeks ago
Patrick Mangans journal patricksmangan415 years 36 weeks ago

Basic Info

Grocery Store Clerk :( lol
Completed High School

Sites I Visit



Hey from Lakewood!
Keep in touch!