
All About nzamucen

About Me: 

I’m a seasoned investor that in no way thinks he always knows all the right moves or has all the right answers. My life is a learning process, in which I never plan to stop learning.

Personally I think that Real Estate investing is the last great frontier. Where man or women, big or small, experienced and beginning players can all equally make a buck with or without each others help.

Real Estate to me is a game, I liken it to Baseball. On the field, you are a team. The pitcher counts on the fielders to help out in various situations. In the field, it is very much a team sport, people helping people. Now quite opposite as you stand in the batters box. Normally alone, very little help form teammates there, no one can help you hit the ball so you have to swing for the fences and help yourself. But know this, you get paid more for what you do at the plate rather than your fielding (exceptions: pitcher & catcher).

Alone you have the potential of making very big paydays, whereas a team, you can ultimately win the game. There is no right or wrong answer on which road you should take, but know that both are possible and both can make you money.

Anyone want to join my team? I hope so, I recently moved to Gilbert AZ, for the real estate market. I’m looking for a team out here, I have one in the Bay Area, but I need people out here.

Good luck to all and if I can assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



Topics I've Participated In

Costs and Repairs Worksheet sistreat710 years 15 weeks ago
any one in arizona my3606113 years 17 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago
Dealing with an Agressive Seller joepthebeat2213 years 47 weeks ago
Robert's Journal - "The Daily Dose" bombercpa9714 years 10 weeks ago

Basic Info

Seasoned Investor
No Children
In Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hey Nick

John A's picture

How is it going with the investing? I wanted to ask you a question since your doing this in South Florida. I have a friend working with me & he live in SF, I need Hard Money lenders there can you help me out with some contacts in SF?

Thanks a $Million!

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

John A.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, my SF meant San Francisco, not South Florida. I wish I could be more help. South Florida is a beautiful area and I wish you and your friend much success. Keep going and believe in yourself.

Hi Nick

sistreat's picture

I am glad to have another seasoned investor here on the board. Maybe you can teach us some new investing tricks and techniques...maybe you can learn a few too. Welcome and hang around a lot and chat with all of us.