
All About Nanann

Nancy Schlachter

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #258 - Roar! dgadmin6311 years 3 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #257 - Destroy That Which Isn't Excellent dgadmin6911 years 16 weeks ago
Take Action Today! Lisa R211 years 22 weeks ago
30 Days to Real Estate Cash Lisa R411 years 22 weeks ago
Sandwich Leases with Short Sale Properties and Cash Buyers. Sidney Brown1211 years 22 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


just checking in

Lisa R's picture

Hi Nan,

Just wanted to see how things are going in your world. You had and probably still do have a lot going on in your life and I just wanted to say I hope things are going better for you.

I know how exhausting it can be to come home from work only to have a household of work waiting for you and negativity everywhere you turn.

Most people consider me a positive person and that's great I like to see myself as such a person but sometimes I feel fake. I get overwhelmed, I feel alone without a friend in the world. It is hard to be "up" all the time when everyone around you is so down it that it hangs on you threatening to drown you under the weight of it all.

I truly want you to know I am here even if you just need someone to listen.

Hope you and your grandson are making a go of things. Remember, one day at a time and one thing at a time. As long as you are doing something, anything, even reading or picking yourself up, or building your strength to do the other things that is still something you are doing to move forward. Feel proud of those things, they matter and they are all part of making change.

warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson