
All About MTrotter

Mark Trotter
Palm Beach County FL
About Me: 

My name is Mark Trotter and I am new to the group. I am located in Jupiter, FL which is in Palm Beach County and I am currently trying to located properties and investors in this area.

Topics I've Participated In

New to the group and NEED Help in West Palm Beach MTrotter315 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


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KMichaelFishbaugh's picture

I am sorry, what is the asking price?

The one reply you have about higher priced homes being tougher to sell....I disagree with. People who have money for these type homes, are ALWAYS looking for a bargin.

Mark one last thing, make sure you get a copy of the current lease. Look forward to heaing from you.


Welcome Gifts!

JJD's picture

Welcome Gifts!

Click on the Links in my Profile and download the attachment files within the posts.

There are some great downloadable resources here for you to use.

Don't forget to finish your profile, upload a picture, tell us some great stuff about yourself, add your location because you never know when someone may want to partner with you!
MOST OF ALL......Have Fun!

May You have Great Success on your Journey!