
All About mikey66

miguel abella
west palm beach florida south florida
About Me: 

married for 19years have two kids one is 13 her name is ashley, the other is 22 his name is anthony. my wifes name is blanca, we own our home in west palm beach and are trying to better our lives for our family. we are a very down to earth family just looking for a bit more time together and real estate will give us alot more free time so we can spend together and vacation together without cutting coupons sort of speek. god bless everyone here and may you all have great success in your endeavors, sincerely miguel abella p.s. if anyone needs our help here in south florida please by all means let us know the more we help each other the further we both shall get.

classic cars, boats, airboats , jet skis , fishing.

Topics I've Participated In

Assigning question benbeka4428 years 1 week ago
Do Banks Generally Allow Their REO's to be Assigned? aiellosdream814 years 29 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Aloha & Mahalo!

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