
All About matthafner

matthew hafner
fife, washington.
About Me: 

I am 25 years old not married with no kids, and sadly no girlfriend:). I have been told I have a perpetual smile. They say you either look at the glass as half full or half empty, I look at the glass as completely full. In other words I am usually extremely optimistic and no stranger to getting my hopes up. I look forward to meeting lots of people here, learning from and helping others. My first goal: get out of my current financial crisis.

i love japanse anime,manga, and culture. RPG and MMORPG videogames, and reading.

Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago

Basic Info

currently unemployed
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Good Debt.

Tracy Lynn's picture

Sound weird? I thought so too. I dont remember which link it was but in one of the emails that dean sends out he talks about bad debt and good debt. My point is that if you can get a credit card and join deans success academy. Do It. I have watched and read so many blogs from deans students saying that it was worth every penny and that they would have paid so much more from what they got out of it. I have applied for every single credit card known to man and I was denied every time. Thats not going to keep me from becoming a student. Its just going to take a little longer but I will save up every cent.

I wish you the best! Smiling