I am a 29 years old, single, and always looking for the next great opportunity. I attended College for 4 years and didn't really know what to study or what my interests were...I was completely lost. I studied Philosophy at the University of Southern Illinois in Carbondale, but decided I didn't want to teach, be a career student, or go to law school. I really wasn't comfortable taking on anymore student debt, so I went into the work place. From there I worked in the restaurant business for 2 years and managed a great place for 1 of those. I have also done work with a group of independent contractors (my first time hammering nails and using sawzalls for work) and realized what a great opportunity real estate was. That, and I knew that I wasn't cut out to do carpentry work. Dean's infomercial really caught my attention, so I took a $20 chance to see what he had to say. I read his books quickly, but still feel I need to read them again so I can absorb everything. I have so much yet to learn. I am looking forward to learning everything I can about real estate investing before I take the plunge. I want to be an expert first before I go out and do it. Maybe I'm wrong about this? I am just worried about making an extremely costly mistake or getting into legal trouble out of ignorance. Just my opinion, but if anyone can reassure me, I would love to have your counsel.
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