
All About keb64

keb64's picture
Keith E. Boley
Lompoc, ca
About Me: 

I have been buying real estate for the last few years and have read just about everything out there on the subject. I have several properties in CA as well as Ohio. You always learn something for someone you meet in the business.

Doing a deal that helps someone get into a house and making a profit at the same time.

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1927 years 1 week ago
Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 5 weeks ago
#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42637 years 7 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
New To This! REIShrum58 years 1 week ago

Basic Info

Self employed
No Children
Some College



davejinpa's picture

I see that you live in Lompoc CA, I lived in Lompoc while stationed at Vandenberg AFB.

Dave Johnson

Aloha Keb

darylmau's picture

Thought I'd drop by and thank you for the communications what with our situations and such. I'll be meeting with a Real Estate Broker soon. Just spoke to him today. Let him know I've been with the DG family since 2008 and give it the time when available. Somewhat surprised that the Broker seemed interested and requested a meeting as we both seem to think out side the Box. Well, only thing at loss would be time and the potential upside could be a good thing. I'll be staying in touch with you and hoping we may do something together. It does take time to arrive on the same page but where there is a will, there will be a way.
Thanks for staying in touch.

Your Friend,

On Oahu

darylmau's picture

Hi Keith,
Thought I'd let you know that I've been with Dad now since the 1st of Feb. Not what I expected. He's losing it but has moments of clarity. Had to take him to emergency due to a fall. Tore a bunch of skin off. His skin is so thin that I could actually see some muscle. However, he's scared the life out of me. Have a few hours during the day while he naps to cruise around my area looking for homes for sale. Found a few that appear abandoned but no signs. Trying to get to the neighbors to try and get information but got to find them at the right time. Meanwhile I'm back online and will be checking in here daily as much as possible.
Hope all is well with you and your loved ones. When you get a chance I'd really like to pick your brain if you don't mind. I'll be back online after Dad goes to bed tonight. How'd the Cali deal go? Great I hope.
Take care and ciao for now

Wanted to get your thoughts on a couple of things!

davejinpa's picture

My father-in-law has a property that he owns in PA, he lives in CA, that he rents to a relative for $300 per month. This is a very small house a bit run down with a double lot. My father-in-law has overed to give this property to my wife and I or sell it to us for $1.00. However, I am not sure that I want to be caught up in any disputes between this relative that is renting the place. In addition, this relative is like a horder and has 4 little dogs and a ton of birds in this house. I have been trying to think of options as I may be able to turn this into a good situation for us but not sure about the relative in the house now. Thoughts?? Other questions??


Hello, Follow the link

JJD's picture


Follow the link provided below, download files, leave comments and Enjoy

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.

Thanks For Coming Aboard!



Hi Kieth,

I see you are doing a Taft deal, how did you find that one??? I have been looking for people to invest with in the Bakersfield area, but have not found anyone yet.. Do you have any reliable people here about?? Any comments appreciated. Congratulations on your success..


Hi Keith!

Valuni's picture

I just noticed that I had not signed in your guestbook!
It has been a rollercoaster ride since I met you- rei is crazy; a lot of work, but so much fun, and so rewarding!
Looking forward to making some deals with you in the near future!


learning how to use the site

rvanpelt's picture

Thanks for acknowledging my post. I just want to get started without doing groundwork, I guess. I know I need to work on my team, but I work a full-time job, and have so little time. I want to do a wholesale deal, and am looking at properties in Oklahoma. I am in a tiny town in NM. I'll have to go where there are more properties until I can get some working capital. Maybe I need a partner.
I am not familiar with Lompoc, but I lived in Rocklin for about a year. N.Calif. is nice.

Thanks for the welcome wagon

prevac's picture

Hello Keith,

I appreciate the greetings & encouragements. I'll keep you posted on this new adventure.

God bless,


JCommons's picture

Just wanted to say hello. Seen your posts a lot and wanted to wish you the best and say thank you for all the information you provide to everyone and myself included at times!

New To This

jdilley09's picture

I'm a newbie here and I'm treating this site as my new face book lol. Just wanted to say what's up and I hope you make lots of money and have crazy fun. I'm looking to build my buyers list now and get really involved with the DG Fam.

Thank you

DaveVenor's picture

Thanks for the motivational and supportive post. I am a new real estate investor. And, I am looking to networking with fellow real estate investors. Let me know if you would like to work with and/or teach each other.

Thanks and respectfully,


Wholsale REO'S

Hey thanks for your last reply to my question. Is it possible to wholesale an REO from a bank or mortgage company? Thanks, Vic


faygrad's picture

Hi Keith,
Thank you for the Welcome Aboard greeting! Looking forward to reading your posts, and learning more from DG website.


Hi Keith

chad.bartlett's picture

Thanks for the post. What is the take me away prize? Congrats, and it does feel great!

It is so cool that you send me a hello, a couple of days ago I watched your success story...very inspirational. I grew up and my parents still live in Lorain County Ohio. I have been watching properties there and Cuyahoga county. What areas do you invest in? I like the buy and hold strategies for those counties since the market is depressed, but lots of renters and motivated sellers! When I have the capital I'll focus more attention to that strategy.

I look forward to meeting you. I am very excited for the event!


Donna Doo's picture

thank you


WooooooHoooooooo way to go!!! I'm so happy for you with the contest. I've heard all about the Edge event from Brett and WOW what a weekend you had. I'm pumped !!

Thanks for your answer

I appreciate the answer.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Did you experience any drawbacks?


Amer Brdjanin's picture

i just started as wholesaler.and my buyers are telling me to look for For Sale by Owner.he told me if i was buying a property with my owe money then it ok to work with a agent.but when you are wholesaler it not ok to work with agent.because everyone can see the property and that is way it not ok to work with a agent.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

i just started as wholesaler.and my buyers are telling me to look for For Sale by Owner.he told me if i was buying a property with my owe money then it ok to work with a agent.but when you are wholesaler it not ok to work with agent.because everyone can see the property and that is way it not ok to work with a agent.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

i just started as wholesaler.and my buyers are telling me to look for For Sale by Owner.he told me if i was buying a property with my owe money then it ok to work with a agent.but when you are wholesaler it not ok to work with agent.because everyone can see the property and that is way it not ok to work with a agent.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

i just started as wholesaler.and my buyers are telling me to look for For Sale by Owner.he told me if i was buying a property with my owe money then it ok to work with a agent.but when you are wholesaler it not ok to work with agent.because everyone can see the property and that is way it not ok to work with a agent.

Congrats on your Mentor Goal

LadyHarris8's picture

Even though I AM in Sherman Oaks CA, I wish I lived closer whereas I could become your third student. So I wish everyone all the Best in your Mentoring program.

Many Blessings

Bobbie S

Thanks For the Welcome!

reshares's picture

Thanks for the welcome Keith! I appreciate you sharing this site with me.

Lots of knowledge, wisdom & experience that puts me in the right place to learn.

Committed to You Multiplying Business,


Thank you!

Seattle Moo's picture

Hi, Keith! Thank you so much for the welcome message you left for me!

Yes, I will most likely do Success Academy since I think what I need to someone I can go to about questions I have. I am already past the fear and all that stuff.

I started to visit this web site actively just a few days ago, actually, though I opened my account like back in 2010.

I am amazed to see how supportive people are to one another! This is awesome!

Stay tuned!

hello sir

Phishtrey's picture

I thank you for offerinf your expertise on this subject. I just bought forclosure finder. found a milliln dolar home wanna flip. I have not got the forms or cd at this point. however with just these two websitees ive found what the investor wants/needs/desires. however I need too know that one question? HOW? where do I get the paperwork for the rest is negotiation?

Newbie concerns

Hello thanks for the invite .first and foremost I'm not elite club member .financialy rite now I can't join but would like too.with that beening said how can I start in real estate small with no money/ credit ps Thanks for the invite Keith.

Hey Keith

Milwaukee-Steve's picture

I just want to say I love this site for it's positivity and lets keep it that way. Thanks for the welcome.

Kick to the Curb

JaguarInvestmentGroup's picture

Hello Keith,
I wasn't at the E.D.G.E. 2013 but I liked your comment about kicking the naysayers to the curb... and getting it done for yourself first and then those around you. YOU make the difference. Obstacles are no match for YOU!

Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group


NickandGen's picture

Just wanted to say hello! I just noticed your posting and thought I would come say hello! You have been in the business for so long...I bet you have run into a lot of funny experiences. Which experience would you say was the craziest?

Again, Just wanted to say hi and hopefully I will see more postings from you!

Take care and stay blessed!


Its a pleasure having you around my journal

Thanks for showing some love and I appreciate your advice. I have promised myself I'm going to give REI all I got each day till I see results

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family:)

Goodluck in your investing

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Like minds think alike DG members are family
Now lets handle family business.
God bless always keep up the good work.


Hi Keith,

Thank you for the warm welcome and passing by my account. Yes I'm in Southern California as well -- LA County. Been trying to get the first deal but seems like it's getting tighter and tighter. I've already gone thru 3 RE agents not because they're not helping me but because they got tired of my low ball offers. I'm trying to get other agents at the moment and see if I can work it out again. I have at least 10 cash buyers already lined up but I'm afraid it's getting stale since I haven't gotten any deal to present since I started in Nov of last year. In fact, I have 2 luxury buyers and trying to feed them without tying up the property on contract because of the hefty non-refundable EMD. Not sure if this is the way to go but I have an NCND contract with them. Some says this is illegal since I don't have a RE license although they're the only ones I send the properties to -- is this true?

Any suggestions to get me going will be very much appreciated.



Re: Virtual assistant resource

I was wondering if you were able to launch your VA service as of yet and if you could tell me the website address?

shame on me

keb64's picture

Hi Dan
I am sorry to have missed this but it doesn't notify you if someone post here and I just happened to be here to see it.
It is not against any law to put a property under contract in any form. That's the BS agent or uneducated talking.
If you have buyers looking for deals and they are real buyers then lets talk because deals are not an issue for me it is keeping the cash in hand for them that slows us down. Would be a great way for you to get a fee for putting us together and to make you look good in there eyes.
I have been in the game for some time now as you know and love helping when I can.