
All About Greyes1111

Greyes1111's picture
Gabriel-Joseph Reyes
Phoenix, Arizona
About Me: 

Small business owner who enjoys networking with like minded individuals. Operate investor friendly website other investors can market properties on to help promote sells. And, hope to retire in 3 years.

Shoot me a message if your interested in marketing inventory or looking to network with another investor.


Playing Sports, Cars, Chess, Camping, Excercising my inalienable rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights haha, spending time with family, writing my book

Topics I've Participated In

FIRST DEAL DONE ( FINALLY) tubbs2000912 years 33 weeks ago
Just Starting Greyes1111713 years 42 weeks ago

Basic Info

Small business owner
No Children
Some College

Sites I Visit


Hows it going sorry so late

Greyes1111's picture

Hows it going sorry so late for the delay I had gotten side tracked for a little while but I'm back and focused. How are you doing I hope everything is going good for you. Hit me back up I wana hear about how your doing and what you been up to.

Sidney Brown - GTG RE Investments LLC

Sidney Brown's picture

Hi I'm Sidney Brown in Gallup, NM. Our company is GTG RE Investments LLC. We are looking to network with other investors in the southwest area.

Investors - RE Brokers

ecazdi's picture

Hi everyone:
I have access to more than 400 Private and Hard Money Lenders ready to fund in 5-7 days. If you can find Properties with 50% or more in equity, i can find the money for the deal. Let's say that you found a SFH for Sale Price of $100k. Repairs $20k. After Repairs Value $240k. This way we will not have to upfront money. Works with Residential, 2-4 Units and Multifamily properties. And properties that needs cosmetics or no repairs.
If interested, PM me.

Investors - RE Brokers

ecazdi's picture

Hi everyone:
I have access to more than 400 Private and Hard Money Lenders ready to fund in 5-7 days. If you can find Properties with 50% or more in equity, i can find the money for the deal. Let's say that you found a SFH for Sale Price of $100k. Repairs $20k. After Repairs Value $240k. This way we will not have to upfront money. Works with Residential, 2-4 Units and Multifamily properties. And properties that needs cosmetics or no repairs.
If interested, PM me.


Greyes1111's picture

Nice to meet you. Actually I was in the early stages of finding money lenders for some up coming deals that may take place. I wholesale and network at the moment but going to go ahead and dive in with my realtor regarding REO's and maybe commercial. Let's keep in touch and make something happen.

Have a good one,

Looking for Loans

Hello my name is Shaun and I live in Joliet,Ill,I would like to buy fix and sell but,I have no money.My partner is an over the road driver and I do heating and cooling(self employed) I have all the time and know how for a deal and my partner has the income.I have been putting in plenty of offers and birddogging but, just not making a lot of money.Please help if you can.


welcome to the DG family business

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Add us to your buyer and sellers list asap.
God bless you always.
Keep learning the family business is BOOMING