Getting to no your potential future partener in REAL ESTATE!!!;)

All About KJ 33

KJ 33's picture
James Alston jr
About Me: 

Well I'm just getting started and right now I'm looking to build the strongest buyers list ever!I'm hungry for new ideas and teammates to brainstorm with!!As my career in real estate grow and advance,one of my biggest goals outside of financial freedom is to either start or partner with a charity that helps children and adults with disabilities realize their dreams and leave my mark on this generation.A few of my personal goal in the next 5 to 10 years is to net $250,000 on a weekly or monthly basic.With condoms in Ny,Brazil,south beach,and a winter cabin in Wyoming to spend Christmas with the family.Somewhere around year 15 of my career in real Estate.I'll start looking into ownership of a professional football franchise,I've got my eyes on the Baltimore Ravens!!!!Eye-wink So look out for me in 2027!!Real Estate is just the beginning.

Well,my interest or should I say foucs.Is buliding my buyers list and real estate team.A few of my hobbies are playing basketball,bike riding,running,shooting pool,and reading.Also I'm looking to build great relationships with my fellow DG family mumbers,and partner with a few as well!!!;) I love surrounding myself with like minded people whom I can throw ideas back and forth with.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #251 - Part of the Solution dgadmin8911 years 27 weeks ago
Amazing inspiration!!!!! KJ 33012 years 29 weeks ago
Cash buyers list TeresaJo4912 years 30 weeks ago
Found my agent! TeresaJo313 years 4 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate investor
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


must read books

KJ 33's picture

30 days of Real Estate!!!Eye-wink


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thank you for visiting my guestpage. For no season refi banks you want to look for very small local banks in your area. Say banks that have under 10 branchs. You can find a directory of banks at Good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


KJ 33's picture

Thanks for the info!! Smiling