Joined: 2011-11-16
Points: 71

gwen trotter
south holland ill
About Me:
My mission to become a successful REI has awaken a part of me thats been dormant for sometime. I always knew I had drive and could always get the engine started but never took the necessary steps needed to take it out of neutral. Since discovering Dean Graziosi and attending the "3dy REI Workshop" Dean had in my area Sep 21-23,2012, I feel like I have finally been given the right gas and will finally get to shift gears into overdrive! I know the road ahead is not going to be easy and that obstacles do get in the way but, the new awakening I received from the workshop gave me the navigational tools I needed to direct my path on the road to success. Thank you Dean and may God continue to bless you.
I bowled (highest avg 192) for 35+ years till I quit in Jan 2006. Love to travel. Love meeting new people (networking), and doing work for Jesus thru my church and community.
Read a post of yours and wondering how you are doing??
Have you made your first deal?? I can tell you will be a success, so keep me updated. This system works and you can't give up!!
I would love to hear your progress!!