Joined: 2011-08-23
Points: 104

Giovanni Ledesma
Sacramento, CA
About Me:
I'm currently working full time as a bookkeeper in downtown Sacramento. I been in the company for four years now not so happy about it. I barely pay my bills on time so I decided to take Dean"s 30 real estate course. I have seen it before on infomercial but didn't take any action. Now, I am purely convince that this is going to be something I need to really work on and put lots of effort to succeed. I'm really confident that Dean's real estate course will be a saving patron after reading parts of the book. All I have to do is really take action from now on.
on my spare time, I like to read books of different topics but mostly business books. I like computers and surfing the net for some business ideas that is profitable and not a whole lot of work.
please take a minute to fill out your profile info and tell us a little about yourself and where you are. This info will help us help you and maybe even partner with someone in your area on some deals and make some bucks!