
All About evilt21

evilt21's picture
taronn white
About Me: 

Hi my name is TaRonn White im 21 years old, and im really new to the realestate game.i have a vision of seeking the american dream in finding it, not only making money but helping others,giving people oppertunity and i would like me achiving my sucsess help others understand that if i could do it anyone can,.
i have a twin brother name tarodd in we both stayed with our mother until we were old enuf to move out , my brother presude college, in me myself i had 3 attemps in diffrent states other then my own,in which ended badly with me being stranded without a ride just a wish in the drive for education.
so now im kinda skeptical about a dead in carreer i want possibilitys and bussiness.

Topics I've Participated In

Mortgage assignments Rusti4213 years 38 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 46 weeks ago
TO ALL THE NEWBIE'S THAT WANT TO SUCCEED randy42823013 years 48 weeks ago
WHAT IF I GAVE YOU A FREE WEEKEND OF MY TIME randy4288114 years 6 weeks ago
simpily i need someone to help evilt21114 years 24 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



randy428's picture

Just stopped into say welcome to the site.


thanks i appreciate it alot,

evilt21's picture

thanks i appreciate it alot, were are you from

please help me get eduacated.the most willing to learn needs hlp

evilt21's picture

Im getting really irritated with not finding out were to start .it seems like the help I's here but why haven't I found some. I'm being told to call back numerous times to thee academy which each time I never get any questions awnserd, I'm really" ready to call it quits .

Take it all the way

David and Kerry's picture

Just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope things are starting to come together for you. I'm not going to say it's always easy, but I try to do something everyday to bring me just a little closer to my goals. If not I already know what I'll get..... nothing! So keep it up, and if you started to slack get back into it! Take care and best wishes!