
All About Viking

Duncan Wierman

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Automated Foreclosure Finder vs. Foreclosure Alert (AFF vs FAL) bschwenne1613 years 1 week ago

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Mainly Just This One


home in montana

Michael and Tina's picture

Yes, I have a beautiful 4 bdr. 2 bath home in northwest Mt. that is up for auction on the 10th. They are friends, and owe 270,000, and are behind 25,000. It was built in 2000, is 2400 sq ft, and is on 1/2 acre with 100 ft. of lake front. It is in the mountains of montana. Very pretty area. We love it here. Any chance or is it just too little time to move on it? Anyone interested?


cpanin's picture

Lots of properties here in PA. What r u looking for? Let me know. I'm sure I have it or could get it. Florida too. Let me know!

Quadraplex in Georgia

im blessed's picture

I have a bank owned quad in Georgia going for less than half the original price. Great investment opportunity. Great location.

Please contact me to discuss.

Do you have buyers for NEPA?

Are you loking for homes in the Scranton area in Northest PA? What types of homes do you need? Let me know what your buyers need and I will do some legwork to help to find them.

Do you have buyes in DC Metro Area?

Let me know if you have buyers in DC metro area.

I have Home for you

I looking for Buyers for assignments in Central Florida and New Jersey