
All About d.watkins645

d.watkins645's picture

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 16 weeks ago
Deangraziosi.com/why Elevatingproperties179 years 48 weeks ago
tax liens d.watkins645011 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Tried postlets. Working

d.watkins645's picture

Tried postlets. Working to overcome so much fear, so much frustration and break out in 2013. To help my family and so many others. Never done one deal, never even tried. Just ordered the latest book to start the process of being better, having a better mindset.

My challenge for the week

d.watkins645's picture

To get a RE email established and find an agent.

Green nutrition

d.watkins645's picture

Been battling Type 2 diabetes for 10 years and
my nutrition is much better but wil commit to
your idea for the next 7 days to see what happens.

Thanks Dean