
All About drhooker

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Donald Ray Hooker
Plano, Texas
About Me: 

My wife and I attended one of Dean's 3-day workshops in Dallas, Texas at the end of May 2012. We've enrolled in Dean's PMI Real Estate course. We're still trying to get our minds wrapped around how to get started with this business.

My background was in Information Technology as a mainframe Computer Programmer/Analyst for 30+ years, until the bottom dropped out of our industry in the Dallas area in 2008. I was a consultant for quite a few years, and so much of our work was outsourced overseas, until it finally caught up with me. My last contract was at Bank of America, and 84 of us consultants were let go in May 2008. Since that time, we have struggled to find a way to make a living.

We're currently on Social Security, but obviously that's not really enough these days. We saw real estate investment as a way to secure our future, but we realize that we just need to step out and do whatever is needed, in order to succeed with this.

I indicated below that we have children, but actually he is grown (43 years old).

No real hobbies, but am interested in politics and church.

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157811 years 20 weeks ago
Destiny Property Investors drhooker212 years 23 weeks ago
My first Bird Dog Deal helpmewin1212 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

Formerly a Computer Programmer/Analyst.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
