Joined: 2012-09-26
Points: 27

Dianna Gronda
Northern New Jersey
About Me:
I have been a proffesional student of Real Estate begining in 2003 with my first Robert Allen 3 day class. I did a few refreshers with him in the years that followed. I did their 3 day boot camp and bus tour meeting many great people along the way. I then became a student with a 3 day course through Armando Montolongo. I have found that the presentation Dean gives in all of his daily wisdoms and training is the most down to earth, heart felt and knowledgable. I want to be abel to take what I have learned and run with it, I am just nervous and scared and excited and READY, READY to take action.
I am a mom of 3 so my interests are coaching softball, soccer and tennis. I enjoy playing these sports as well with friends when I can. I enjoy date nights with my husband and going to Giants games, even when they play like they did this season!
Weekly Wisdoms
Thank you for such an inspirational wisdom this week. I am feeling the same way, reflective and wanting to be non regretful. I had surgery last week and was worried that I would not make it. I wrote letters to my children and husband, just in case. I am now out of the hospital and ready to get on with life and live it fully.
NO REGRETS, thanks Dean for making your words fit what I was feeling!