Joined: 2010-09-01
Points: 16

Diane Estrada
Houston, Texas
About Me:
Hi, I am a native Houstonian. I use to be in the apartment industry now I am seeking to become a real estate investor. I am LOOKING for a RE partner, either to do deals here in the "Houston" or other cities (maybe yours).
You may contact me at my personal email address at dianeestrada2003@**** Please put in the subject line: "Partner For Real Estate". I will try to be prompt in responding. I am looking to do "Assignment" deals.
I know the Houston Market vrey well if anyone needs help.
Have a great day.
Diane Estrada
dancing, board games, movies, fishing, traveling, roead trips, pool... too many to list.
Apartment deal
Hi Diane
Please send PM - your email was not complete. Would like to here more about the apartment deal and hook up with someone in Houston. I'm a Texan -but live in Tennessee.
Joe Stanfield