Joined: 2010-03-23
Points: 19

Brooklyn, NY
About Me:
I am want to say, the believe in myself that can do this has grown leap and bounds. I am looking to partner with people here in the forum, please if interested in partnering with me in deals in New York state or any state in the United States or other countries by all means contact me. I am happily married, these are my two children in my profile's picture, Jaden and Kendra.
I love to cook, hope to have my own pizzeria, bar and pasta restaurant in Florida.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
I spent an insane amount of money in a guru course, trip to Vegas to attend seminar, etc. I'm still paying for all the money I put in my credit card. The decision to do this one more time I owe it to Mr Graziosi, he convince me it was worthy. Honestly I have not even made my first deal, because they tell you many things but don't really give you the right information or tools. I know everything that happened to me was for a reason and will have my delayed gratification. I could only afford the books for now, but will be interested in coaching later. Keep you posted.