
All About DAV.n.widow

New Jersey

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Look what you can do with $10!!! YURI772115 years 31 weeks ago

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Admin Asst. Supvr, Consumer Rights-Consult, Researcher; Advisor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

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Mainly Just This One


Hello, Dean & staff:

First, when I saw the informercial in late June 2009 to receive this new book 'Profit from Real Estate Now' for $19.95 AND w/"FREE S&H", (tho' I'd seen his previous ads of his first book), my interest peaked.
One, because I LUV items with "FREE S&H". And, two, when Dean said, "If you order my book (PFREN) now, you'll pay only $19.95, plus you get FREE S&H, that's right, you won't pay a cent for S&H! And that's not all--just for buying my PFREN book from this ad, I'll send you my #1 best seller book How to 'Be A Real Estate Millionaire' for FREE! You only pay a small S&H charge for the FREE book".
Hearing that from Dean on this informercial, I felt elated. But since I had paid my major monthly bills,
(rent-$1000/sml 4-rm apt, utils, food, etc.) I had to call to get my balance. It was enough to cover BOTH books, since S&H FREE on $20 book (PFREN), the FREE book s+h could not be $16, and when my next check come in 10 days, this offer might be gone.

Then to my dismay, the $19.95 came with a $9.95 'S&H' fee!? For me to buy the 'PFREN' book at the $19.95 price, I had to pay $10 extra...What!? "That's weird, then the book is costing me $29.90, (retail costs $24.95), what happened to the Free S&H that was stated?" The S&H cost for the FREE book-$9.95 was fine. "I'll call back". Two minutes later, I did. Tho' I am truly heartbroken that I was short -$3.90 to get the FREE book, I am happy I bought PFREN!!

I'm READY, WILLING, and WANT to get started in the LeaseHold deal, or become a "Home Deals Locator" for Investors looking to buy houses! AND, I can honestly say, "I am very exhilarated and excited that I called back to purchase Mr. Dean Graziosi's book, 'Profit from Real Estate Now'!

(I am not able, unfortunately, to view any of Dean's Weekly Video Blogs, and I am missing very valuable info. Nor can I enter Dean's BLITZ giveaway or to see if I won! Also, the Photo/4-Words video contest is not accessible with my WTV Plus TV-internet box. This internet system is not capable of uploading a photo of me, nor have upgraded features to view/listen to any video blog content. Since there is NOT another alternate means of entry.....WOE is ME! WOE is ME!)