
All About Buchi

Gideon Yohannes
Pasadena, California
About Me: 

I am a PhD candidate at a seminary in pasadena. I have no experience in real estate investing but I am so tired of being broke I am going to do all that it takes to succeed. I am energetic, love people, always ready to learn and grow. I am a little scared but that is not going to stop me. I have all that it takes to succeed.

Reading, Exercising, Music, Playing Music, hangin' out w.firends, travelling, learning to cook

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 44 weeks ago
I DONT THINK DEANS TECHNIQUES WORK IN RACINE,WI oertelaj5812 years 13 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #189 - (Wise) Men In Black dgadmin11012 years 35 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
In Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome to you!

smurfy's picture

I just wanted you to know that you have a great attitude and you will go far! Thank you for stopping by and sending me a message. I appreciate it! Smiling

Where do i start?

Hey just wanted to see if u have any creative idea for someone who has poor fredit and no $! Where do I start?

You started when you

LadyHarris8's picture

became a member of the DG Family. Just read as much as you possible can. Whether you have good or bad credit, start with learning how to wholesale RE. Check out Carol Stinson. Her story gave me alot of inspiration and confidence to move forward.

I don't have a deal yet but, I am working on it now. Just continue to Take Action and you can do it.

Wishing you much success in all that you do.

Many Blessings



I just bought the edge and i am learning how to go about making a deal. Any suggestions and tips from your experience to help me avoid some of the pitfalls you guys went thru? Does anybody know how the market in california is like? where is a good place to find out?

California Los Angeles DG Family

I was just wondering how I can connect with people who belong to DG family in Los angeles and greater Los Angeles area. I am a real beginner in this business. I just bought the edge and i am ready to soar just like an eagle. I would appreciatye a response. God bless!

Question about real estate market in california

I just started by purchasing the edge 2011 and dean's 2 books. I am devouring the information in these books. I just went out and looked at real estate in craigslist and was a little scared by the prices that I noticed. Since I have no money and bad credit i wanna start with dean's no mioney down strategy. Any suggestions? I have to be honest to let you know that i ahve not finished reading his books but i am eager to start making money. Please help! Please!

Where to start?

I live in california and I was wondering if this is the right place to start investing in real estate where the market hasn't softened much. I am not sure where to start investing! Please help me!

Ecclesiastes 10:19

i just want to affirm what Dean said regarding the value of money in today's weekly wisdom. Even scripture attests that ....Money answers everything! You are right on Dean. God Bless!