
All About blessedjc

Joyce Chang

Topics I've Participated In

30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago
Using The New Analysis Tool dgadmin7411 years 41 weeks ago
Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri dominoafekt10411 years 42 weeks ago
lease option question yadabnns9611 years 43 weeks ago
what website can I get the approval of fund ? blessedjc212 years 30 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


thank you for your invitation

Hi Greg, Are you the Greg used lease option in Dean's book? I really appreciate you for your kind invitation. When you said [if interested in partner deals r mentoring] what does it really mean? Can you say more clear in details? I'm very new & still reading the DG book. If you can help me. I sure need it. Thank you again.

I like this site very much.

I like this site very much. Lots of encouragement and information. Thank you for all the people who try to help new people.


steve guy's picture

Joyce, I want to welcome you to the DG family and wish you the best of luck in REI. And, please fill out a brief bio as it adds credibility and it gives us a leg up on understanding your specific goals and aids us in being able to help you.

thank you very much

Thank you very much for your warm welcome but I'm not sure what I should tell you. I'm reading DG's material. I don't have anything to tell you yet. I wish I had.

I really like DG's website.

I really like DG's website. But there is death in my family. now everything is uncertain. I don't know what will I do yet. But this website is very nice. I like it even though I haven't been here since the sudden death in my family.