
All About BigBly

Kenny Bly
Hampto Roads Virginia
About Me: 

Hi All

New to this side of creative investing. Im a former US Marine, and now work as an aircraft electrician. I have a great family and support system. So now Im looking to take my life to the next level. If anyone has any info for a new guy PM me anytime.

All outdoors activities, football on sunday (like every guy), and plain just having positive control over ME.

Topics I've Participated In

wholesaling??? Is it still kool???? BigBly311 years 22 weeks ago
Taxes help BigBly112 years 38 weeks ago
DG fam Please help BigBly213 years 7 weeks ago
POF BigBly413 years 11 weeks ago
Direct mail???? BigBly413 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Aircraft Mech
Have Child(ren)
Completed College


Finally taking action!!!!!

ive gone through 3 agents so far. I used Matt's letter and sent it to many different real etstate company. it seems when it comes to walking to walk they dont want to do it. what other way can i find a an agent.

Help the new guy PLEASE!!!!

buyers list

Hey DG fam!!! New guy here, and im feeling all I am not covering all the basic with my buyers interview.I have asked where, what price, what type....but after that i become a little lost.

I may have an ideal for you.

Hi BigBly:

The agent location is the first obstacle to overcome, but here's an ideal. If you have a real estate attorney-and you must have one of those guys on your team-ask him/her to refer you to an agent that he/she deals with. That is how I located the first agent. Also, forget the faxes, and letters. Make direct calls to the realator offices and ask for an agent that deals with "new real estate investors." Be honest, because these guys can spot a newby a mile away. And, finally, go to a meeting of your local real estate investment association/club. Google for the location of one in your area. Usually, you'll have to join the association. The fee is small, the benefits can be huge! Your surrounded by like minded people who don't mind sharing a few bits of information with the new-kid.

Last but not least, if you're in a more rural area, directly contact the big city realators and ask them either for a referral to a local agent that can work with an "aggressive" new investor, or for one of their own agents that may be will to initiate a new market penatration in your area.

Let me know how that works for you BigBly, and good luck.


reinvestor42's picture

Welcome to the DG family.

Please take a minute to fill out your profile info and tell us a little about yourself and where you are.

I am in VA and you can find more by going to left side of page, under Main Sections to REI Clubs/Groups and then to 'Investors of Virginia'. You may find others in your area that you can network with and even partner up on some deals.

Mike reinvestor42

Thanks George I do think a

Thanks George
I do think a real estate attorney will be a great help.

House in Suffolk

SHELBY219's picture


I might be interested in your property, where is it located in Suffolk?