Joined: 2010-03-07
Points: 22

Bert Rojas
Baldwin Park California
About Me:
Male Hispanic 43 work a dead end job 40 hrs a week im tired I would like
to be financially free and be able to spend quality time with my two
sons Andrew & Samuel. I heard all about the success Deans students have
accomplish. I want to give it a try just recently in February 2011 both
of my parents passed away its been very hard Financially and physically
for me and my family and feel its time to do something in my life that
will get me back on my feet again and my kids can be proud of there dad.
I am asking for help guidance to find someone Here close to Baldwin Park
California to network and give support Thank You.
Outgoing family oriented sports Basketball,Softball.
Were to Start
Interested in short sale properties and
forcelosure listings. As an investor with
no money in savings and not good credit
what would be the best route.