
All About benderbl89


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Keep Your Buyer's List Organized Through Google Docs brentm711 years 31 weeks ago
Need ADVICE on REO!!! benderbl891112 years 46 weeks ago
Buyers list vs. Great deals benderbl89813 years 2 weeks ago
down market?? benderbl89313 years 5 weeks ago
debt history? benderbl891313 years 6 weeks ago

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some advice??

the town in which i currently live in is located in southern cali, now interestingly enough the current market in our city is down, which provides the opportunity for rentals, especially since there are a lot of foreclosures...yet i have noticed a lot of properties for rent but no one is biting? is it wise to take my chance at flipping a foreclosure or renting a property or looking in another town? the closest town is about 5miles away so its not a big drive on my part and the area is much more wealthy. as an interesting tip about 90% of the population of my city does not work in the city itself...bc its so small there is really no where to work...hmm thoughts and comments?

Welcome Brian !

dwman's picture

When your on this site hit every single link and, read everything. There is so much great info here it is mind warping.
Anyhow Welcome to the family.

Good Luck
Peace out,
Denver AKA dwman

Welcome aboard

FLAREI's picture

Glad to have you as a member of the DG family. This site is awesome. It's a treat everytime I come here. Good luck and happy investing.



Hello everyone!
Gonna need some help on this one...i found a beautiful house, and by beautiful i mean the situation is perfect. It is a 2bd 1bath, little house but it just so happens that its an REO, and its listed at 69k, my GF and I are looking to move in together and i thought this place would be a great buy for us and our dogs at least until we finish college and get married.
So here are my dire questions that i need so answers to:
1.) I have an offer in mind that I want to present to the bank but i want to sound as professional as possible but i dont know how to present it. Is there a sample offer anywhere that i could cop and screw into my own? Concerning REO's?
2.) Im going to look at the house this weekend and its and REO, who do i need to call or contact on owenership of the house since the bank isnt listed on the website where i found it. City hall? hall of records etc?

Anyone and everyone is welcome to answer please need some help before this weekend if anyone has some time they could share. Thanks, and God Bless.