
All About Atlcamel

Alana Weaver
Hotlanta "I mean it's HOT!"
About Me: 

Not your average ordinary MoM, I'm a Veteran (ex-military: U.S Navy --OORAH!) pursuing her goals; A.A. in Digital Photography, REI (be next real estate mogul) and other business pursuits. I have one child,son--Richard--he was diagnose with PDD-NOS at an early age, who I'm raising single-handedly. Times do get stressful though; but I pray daily that I'm able to leave him a better legacy (Alhamidullilah).

REI, Aromatherapy, Orchids (I love my flowers), Cooking (nawh, let me stop kidding I like eating more than I like cooking.)

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 41 weeks ago
Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 44 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 45 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 2 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 3 weeks ago

Basic Info

One with God (Allah)
Have Child(ren)
In College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hey! Thanks for replying on

Real Estate Master's picture

Hey! Thanks for replying on my topic.


It was once an individually owned company that went MLM about 5-8 years ago(not sure exactly. The owner's story had holes in it. I tried to market it without success. I also tried to use it but the attorneys wanted large retainers. I would stay away from it and concentrate on the real estate.

Hey Alana

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

on Chapter 14 in " BARM "

"Leverage is an asset"

were it says you can offer something to the seller then there's four suggestions listed.

The First one, is that just for the Realtor representing the seller?

Salaamu Alaikum

branman's picture

Just wanted to know how your deals are going? I just started and wanted another persons view of whats going on for them. We are muslims as well and pray you have a blessed upcoming Ramadan.


Hi Alana

dewdevil's picture

My name is James i also live in Hotlanta. Just wanted to say hi since we are in the same city and if you want maybe we can help each other out from time to time as we learn. I have just started with this and I'm really excited. Wish you the best of luck!

Leveraging other peoples money

You can leverage both the Seller's agent and your agent, if you're using one, commission to get a deal done. It's on them whether they'll being willing to take a cut out of their commission.

Wa Alaikum As Salaamu Wa Rahmatllah Wa Barakatuh

Hello, I do apologize about not replying back to you in a much timely fashion. My laptop has been out of commission for past month. I pray that you and your family had a Bless Ramadan and Eid. I'm new convert to Islam, so I'm still learning the Din. Regarding my deals, I walk away from one I had an accepted offer on.

That property was too much of a Humpty Dumpty (total rehab) for me. The second property I've gotten an accepted bid (HUD) on, I'm waiting on them to review the revised contract I signed as well as the closing attorney has to review it and for them to prepare HUD-1. Then I can choose my closing date. That will be closing approx 10-14 days. HUD moves so slow.

I'm searching for private Sellers (fsbo) in NOD, to do L.O. from and/or do "Subject To" deals with.


I want to thank you for the info on govt. properties. Are you in GA. also?


Indiana-Joe's picture

I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long more good things will happen. We look forward to reading about your continued progress and future deals. It is great you are an active part of the DG website and you share your knowledge and insight with other DG Members. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.


Hi my name is Trina and I'm

Hi my name is Trina and I'm new to Georgia and I'm looking for a mentor in the area. I've worked in Real Estate for several years. And I'm anxious to get started here in Atlanta. Any tips you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Trina Hamilton

Hi my name is Trina and I'm

Hi my name is Trina and I'm new to Georgia and I'm looking for a mentor in the area. I've worked in Real Estate for several years. And I'm anxious to get started here in Atlanta. Any tips you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Trina Hamilton

as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

nazir411's picture

It's good to see you doing the thing on the site and in sha Allah having much success.
That's it & oh, if you haven't already done so, you may want to visit or in sha Allah where you can get an English explanation of each Juz' of Quran during Ramadaan.

Ramadaan mubarrak,


Im new and i was wondering if you could give me some advice on wholesaling.



jdilley09's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.