
All About acardenas81

Alejandro Cardenas

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SSShhhhhh! It Is a Feeding Frienzy! Don't Tell! cbrpower1315 years 49 weeks ago
I need advise; Anyone? acardenas81315 years 49 weeks ago

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I need advise; what should I do?

I posted an ad on craigslist looking for buyers. I got a response from an investor who buys properties and I asked him to tell me exactly what he is looking for. I also told him that i'm currently looking at 3 properties with great potential. I have not submitted offers on these properties since i'm going through the numbers to come up with an offer at 40-60% of FMV. What he asked was to give him the address of the properties so that he can start researching the properties and see if we might have a deal. I don't think I should do this since I don't have them under contract. What should I tell him? I need advise.



I would try to lock it up first . Unless you know him personally, it's hard to know his intentions. The sad part is there are alot of cut throat people out there.