
All About nette

Lynette Armstrong

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 27 weeks ago
Wholesaling Basics 101 Elena M18010 years 3 days ago
FREE and Low Cost REAL ESTATE FORMS Anitarny211 years 40 weeks ago
assigning the deals Lilie3516 years 23 weeks ago
Financing Pre-foreclosures or Foreclosures with Poor Credit phoenx7772816 years 38 weeks ago

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Hello everyone! I'm the new kid on the team, but I'm very excited and anxious to get started. I want to do the "Instant Equity Exchange", but what's holding me up is not having the contract to complete the deal. I also need the contract to do an Assign Contract(Wholesaling) deals. Can anyone help me with that. Where can I get one or can someone email me or mail me one. Thanks, Nette