All About NVIGIL

NVIGIL's picture

Topics I've Participated In

Think Big! but Start Small cbrpower2814 years 15 weeks ago
Denver Colorado Investment Networking suzannavh616 years 28 weeks ago
Mentor/Partner in Pueblo, Colorado NVIGIL016 years 33 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Nick.

Rina's picture

I've read a few of your posts and I wanted to encourage you in your REI. Don't let the negative world around you get you down. You CAN be successful, and you WILL if you convince yourself of that! This is a good place to be to get help and encouragement. Everyone here is striving to be a winner in REI. And we can ALL succeed!
So I wish you all the best. Keep on reading and following through with what you learn. It's only a matter of time before you get that first deal under your belt. How short is pretty much up to you. Smiling



Thank You

NVIGIL's picture

Thanks for the encouragement. I WILL do everything in my power to get that 1st deal done. You are absolutely right with your advice.

Thanks Again,
Nick from Pueblo