
All About Lambchop

Lambchop's picture
William (Bill) Perkins

Topics I've Participated In

The Timeline of a Typical Foreclosure dgadmin1812 years 5 weeks ago
Craigslist Marketing Basics dgadmin3112 years 15 weeks ago
need help Lambchop416 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


:? :-? :puzzled:

Lambchop's picture

we're going to give this our all. thank you for this's incredible. you must have slaved many, many hours to develop it - GREAT job.

delighted in your course, Dean

Lambchop's picture

We are delighted by your course; as a matter of fact we also purchased your newer one with the CD's and booklets; we're waiting for it to arrive. you're a dynamic speaker and show honesty..please keep that up.
Bill & Diane Perkins

In a message dated 4/14/2008 10:41:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [email] writes:
Hi William H!

Dean Graziosi here, did you go to the website and download the
fast start sheet I left for you?

It's actually fun filling it out. You will identify your
obstacles, opportunities and strengths, and It's
an awesome exercise that'll help you succeed!

If you haven't done it yet, I want to encourage you
to do so. I promise it will be worth your time

I was thinking today about what it was like for me
when I started out investing. Looking back, I wish
I would have had a mentor, or even a book (like the
one I finally wrote) when I started.

Maybe I was too bull headed or just not smart
enough to try and learn from others.

Maybe I was just out there "doing it" so much
that I didn't take the time to see if someone
else had already done it and I could learn from

Don't get me wrong. I am more than thankful for
the success I have been able to achieve...but
I could have been so much further ahead if
I would have learned from a mentor, or read a
little more about other people's trial and error.

I was also thinking of my experiences over the
past 20 years of real estate investing, and I
wanted to tell you that you could not have
gotten involved in my program at a better time.

The people who take action now with Real Estate,
stand to make millions, and I'm not talking about
having to build skyscrapers like Donald Trump either.

I'm talking about regular people who know the
strategies like how to find foreclosures, buy
them for pennies on the dollar, and rent them out to
cover costs and sell them when the market pops
back up.

You know what kind of people do this?

People just like YOU - when they have someone like
me guiding them every step of the's money

You need to be pumped about the decision you made
to try buying real estate Right Now. And of course it is
with the best real estate book ever created Smiling.

We have a window of opportunity like never
before. I know I am going to make a boat load of
money over the next year an if you dedicate a
little time to this so can you.

In fact as a reminder of how regular people just
like you took action and got amazing results
crank up your speakers and click on the link
below and listen to some of my success stories.



Lambchop's picture

I need your help,'s complicated. I am living in my friend's inherited home which is still in probate; however, my friend had wanted me to buy this house until we entered into a disagreement which we'll leave alone right now. Her home is in foreclosure and she has 13 days left before she has to vacate. she was the executor, but now, we don't know to whom the home belongs. she still collect rent in cash from us and doesn't give it to the bank...she keeps it all for her needs. She wants us out or she threantened to move her and her large family into this house if i'm here or not. Is what she's doing illegal? To whom do I pay my mortgage to? Can I get more time to move? I'm in a wheelchair and it's hard for us due to that and we have pets. Anyone been through this or have any ideas or thoughts? God bless you for you anticipated help.
Bill & Di